Codes of Conduct, Policies and Procedures

Halesworth Town Council views good communication with organisations within the Town as being highly important: a two way process that means that the Town Council has good understanding about local organisations and that their needs, aims, and plans. The Council has now agreed a new policy regarding representation on outside bodies to further this aim.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations that come into effect on the 25th May, 2018 please refer to our Privacy Policies and Data Protection Policy which sets out how the Town Council manages your personal information.

Under the Freedom of information Act 2000 the Information Commissioner's Model Publication Scheme is presented below with the relevant entries applicable to Halesworth Town Council.
Also below is a further publication list (not required under the Act) which further details what documents and information is publicised on a regular basis.

In accordance with S26 to 37 of the Localism Act 2011 on 2nd July 2012 Halesworth Town Council adopted the Suffolk Local Code of Conduct for the purposes of discharging its duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct within its area. In June 2023, the Council adopted the more extensive Local Government Code of Conduct which shall hereafter apply to all elected members and any co-opted members entitled to vote on any decisions of the council or its committees, sub committees or joint committees when acting in their capacity as a member of the Council.

The Council will normally try and resolve complaints in an informal manner. However, if this is not possible e.g. unacceptable to the complainant, then the formal complaints procedure [as outlined below] will be followed.

Standing orders are the rules by which the Council operate.  These include rules of procedure laid down in legislation and additional regulations chosen by the council. Standing orders help the council to operate smoothly.


Financial regulations require the Council to fulfil certain requirements, restrictions and guidelines, which aim to maintain the integrity and transparency of the financial system.

HTC Financial Regulations - July 2024


Terms of Reference for Committees (T of R)

The Council holds reserves for projects and future planning and has adopted the following Reserves Policy 


The Register of Interests for Councillors has now been published by East Suffolk Council. Please click on the link below to view:

Register of Interests

The Council follows the below policy when considering grant applications.

Please use the below form to apply for a grant from the Town Council.

The below form is used to monitor successful grant applications and needs to be completed by the applicant at the end of the project or within a year of being awarded the grant.

The Council's policy on filming and recording of Council meetings can be found in the document below.

The Council's Policy on equality and diversity can be found in the document below.

The Council will, as far as is reasonably practical, provide the resources necessary to ensure it meets the legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
In accordance with the Council's Health & Safety Policy

The Council recently introduced a series of CCTV cameras in the Thoroughfare and Market Place, the following documents are required to ensure best practice and that the system is used responsibly for the purpose of deterring crime in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations and the Information Commissioner's Office

In addition to this website, hard copies of information in the public domain can be viewed at the Town Council's offices (by appointment).

Halesworth Town Council
Waveney Local Office,
London Road, Halesworth
Suffolk IP19 8LW
Clerk’s Office
Tel: 01986 874517

Town Clerk: David Lines
Deputy Town Clerk: Phillippa Welby
Finance Officer: Jenny Jenkins

Admin Officer: Annabel Skinner

Marketing Coordinator: Kelly Parker
The office is open
9am – 1pm
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
or by appointment
Halesworth Town Council
Waveney Local Office,
London Road, Halesworth, 
Suffolk IP19 8LW
Office Opening times:
9am - 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday or by appointment
Tel: 01986 874517
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