Outline planning application - new food store

An outline planning application has been received by the Town Council for a new food store, in the Thoroughfare car park (as shown on the map below).
There will be an extraordinary meeting of the Council on the revised date and time; 12th October at 6.30pm.

Full details are available here on East Suffolk Council's Planning page:-




Members of the public are encouraged to leave their views on this application via the link above which the Town Council can access before the meeting but comments can still be made up until the 30th October according to ESC's website (HTC's expiry date is the 23rd October).

Members of the public and press may also join the meeting via video conference in the 'Zoom' link below

Zoom video conference details

Topic: Extraordinary meeting
Time: Oct 12, 2020 06:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 2176 4174
Passcode: 763475



Halesworth Town Council
Waveney Local Office,
London Road, Halesworth
Suffolk IP19 8LW
Clerk’s Office
Tel: 01986 874517
Town Clerk: David Lines
Deputy Town Clerk: Phillippa Welby
Finance and Admin Officer: Jenny Jenkins
Email: admin@halesworthtowncouncil.gov.uk

Marketing Coordinator: Kelly Parker
Email: marketinghalesworth@gmail.com
The office is open
9am – 1pm
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
or by appointment
Halesworth Town Council
Waveney Local Office,
London Road, Halesworth, 
Suffolk IP19 8LW
Office Opening times:
9am - 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday or by appointment
Tel: 01986 874517
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