The Town Council are holding an extraordinary meeting on Thursday 22nd July at 6.30pm in the Rifle Hall. The Zoom link below will allow residents to view the meeting only. If residents would like to participate in the public session, they should attend the meeting or forward their questions via email to the Clerk – If you are attending the meeting in person, the Council respectfully request that masks are worn and social distancing is adhered to in the hall.
The meeting is primarily to discuss the planning application DC/21/3016/FUL – 80 assisted living units on land west of Norwich Rd. There will also be an opportunity for the Council to gauge whether there is interest in forming a community group regarding the sale of the Patrick Stead Hospital building. The deadline for such a group to register their interest is 6th August. Any groups registering their interest then have six months to raise the funds in order to purchase the property at market value. The Council are not yet aware of what price has been set on the building.
Meeting ID: 822 9766 5441
Passcode: 320988