Friday 27 September
St Mary’s Church, Halesworth
TICKETS HERE - free but donations gratefully received.
Conference opened by Adrian Ramsay, MP
Host: The Revd Dominic Doble, Blyth Valley Team Rector
Chair: Josiah Meldrum (Hodmedods)
Opening song sung by Katherine MacRae
As in the Moral Maze, seven diverse ‘experts’ in the field of land and food will briefly present their case in relation to the following question:
“How can we feed ourselves affordably without destroying both our own health and the health of the planet?”
Globally the food system is the second biggest emitter of green house gasses, and food production is the primary cause of deforestation, drought, freshwater pollution, and depletion of aquatic wildlife (In ‘Ravenous’ by Henry Dimbleby)
Prof Peter Hobson
Professor of Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainability, Writtle
Becky Taylor
Richard Symes
Earlsway Farm, Bramfield
Fe Morris
Forestry Commission
Glenn Buckingham
NFU Suffolk County Chair
Rebecca Mayhew
Old Hall Farm
At the end you are invited to join us for a glass of wine and some local cheese.