Free NHS Health Check

Aged 40 to 74? Find out about your FREE NHS Health Check

Even though you might be feeling great, if you’re over forty you might be at risk of heart disease,
stroke, kidney disease, diabetes or dementia.
A FREE NHS Health Check can help you reduce these risks and make sure that you stay healthy.
Having the health check will better prepare you for the future and will enable you to take steps to
maintain and improve your health.

Why should you have an NHS Health Check?

As we get older the risk of developing illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and certain types of dementia increases. There are also certain things that will put you at greater risk such as being overweight or physically inactive, eating unhealthily, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Men and women are both at risk but the good news is that these conditions can often be avoided or treated and having the NHS Health Check will help you to identify the risk earlier.

What will happen at the check?

The check will take between 20-30 minutes and will involve the health professional asking you a few simple questions regarding your family history and lifestyle. They will also make a note of your height, weight, age, sex and ethnicity as well as test your blood pressure. They will also complete a simple blood test to check your cholesterol level.

What will happen after the check?

The health professional will talk you through your results and explain to you what they mean, giving you personalised advice on how to lower your risk and maintain a healthy lifestyle. If the check reveals a high blood pressure or a risk of developing type 2 diabetes you might need some further blood tests to investigate this and you may also be prescribed further treatment or medication to help maintain your health.

Arrange your NHS Health Check

If you are aged 40-74 and have not had a stroke or been diagnosed with heart disease, high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, kidney disease or diabetes then you are eligible for a free NHS
health check.
To arrange the check please contact your registered GP practice who will be able to make an
appointment for you. Alternatively, you can also contact OneLife Suffolk to arrange the check for you on 01473 718193.
Further information
OneLife Suffolk: 01473 718193
Halesworth Town Council
Waveney Local Office,
London Road, Halesworth
Suffolk IP19 8LW
Clerk’s Office
Tel: 01986 874517
Town Clerk: David Lines
Deputy Town Clerk: Phillippa Welby
Finance and Admin Officer: Jenny Jenkins

Marketing Coordinator: Kelly Parker
The office is open
9am – 1pm
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
or by appointment
Halesworth Town Council
Waveney Local Office,
London Road, Halesworth, 
Suffolk IP19 8LW
Office Opening times:
9am - 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday or by appointment
Tel: 01986 874517
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