Thorough the Thoroughfare Working group, the project to update the bollards throughout the town has taken shape joining forces with the James Holloway Youth Fund  to enable young artists to be involved.  Below is a presentation from the group with designs and locations for the bollards.  We are thrilled with the direction the young artists have taken and the way they have woven stories from the Wayfinding signs into their designs.  The work is due to start in August.

The majority of this project has been grant funded with HTC covering the costs for the bollard prep work by a local contractor.

The half bollards are staying black and the Twinning bollards aree also being left.  No businesses will be represented on the bollards.

A letter will be going out to all businesses and residents in the Thoroughfare and Market Place informing them of the exciting changes.

JHYF_Bollards_Presentation (1)

Halesworth Town Council
Waveney Local Office,
London Road, Halesworth
Suffolk IP19 8LW
Clerk’s Office
Tel: 01986 874517

Town Clerk: David Lines
Deputy Town Clerk: Phillippa Welby
Finance Officer: Jenny Jenkins

Admin Officer: Annabel Skinner

Marketing Coordinator: Kelly Parker
The office is open
9am – 1pm
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
or by appointment
Halesworth Town Council
Waveney Local Office,
London Road, Halesworth, 
Suffolk IP19 8LW
Office Opening times:
9am - 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday or by appointment
Tel: 01986 874517
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