Please use the phone numbers listed below for emergencies.
East Suffolk Council – 03330162000 (or 0800 440 2516 - out of hours) Contact East Suffolk for anything involving parks and play equipment (except Swan Lane and Jane Kircher), the Council building on London Road and public toilets.
Council House Emergency Repairs - For issues that pose a risk to the health and safety to the occupants 0800 440 2516 (weekends and out of hours)
Suffolk County Council Highways - 0345 606 6171 emergency and out of hours line. Streetlights, road signs, footpaths, pot holes, road hazards including flooding and blocked drains.
Non-emergencies can be reported on the SCC website and on 0345 606 6067
Environment Agency – emergency line 0800 80 70 60 (24 hours) Tidal or river flooding
UK Power Networks – 0800 31 63 105 (24 hours) Power cut
National Grid Gas Supply – 0800 111 999 (24 hours) Gas leaks or damage to pipes
National Grid Electricity Supply - 0800 40 40 90 (24 hours) Damage to overhead wires or substations
RPSCA – 0300 1234 999 Injured wildlife
Customer First - 0808 800 4005 (24 hours) To report a child at risk from abuse or neglect. If lives are at risk dial 999